Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gay Couples Adopting - 1042 Words

Homosexuals must be allowed to adopt children just like any other couple who want to do the same thing. A child needs love, respect and a home in which they can assure themselves that there will be someone there to care for them. As in the example, there is no need for a dad and a mom who will always be arguing about the shared custody. Just because their parents are homosexuals does not mean that the child will grow up to be the same. Everyone is different and will grow up to be what they want to be. Children don’t always come out exactly like their parents. These children aren’t any different. They will grow up to think for themselves and decide their own sexuality. There are many people who oppose gay couples being allowed to raise†¦show more content†¦Tim Pope said, Homosexual people are unstable in their lifestyle-period. It is said that there is no real evidence supporting the fact that homosexuals are not able to provide a stable home. I would like to conclude my speech on the general purpose. Next I would like to talk about the anti-homosexual adoption side of the debate. First I will restate the cons of the situation. The Child Welfare League of America says that every time a group was introduced to be able to adopt, there was controversy. The adoption family center says that there is no evidence to suggest that the children of lesbian and gay parents are less intelligent, suffer from more problems, are less popular, or have lower self-esteem than children of heterosexual parents. All of the research to date states that lesbians and gay men are not unfit to be parents. A homosexual relationship implies the exercise of illegal ac tivities, and no child should be permitted to enter that type of setting, he said. The fact of the matter is that good parenting does not dwell on the fact of sexual orientation but the fact of a loving and nurturing home. Homosexual relationships are said to last a shorter amount of time than heterosexual relationships. It is saidShow MoreRelatedArgumentative Essay About Gay Adoption1295 Words   |  6 PagesCorri Fairfull Discursive Essay-Gay Adoption Gay adoption is a subject which is widely debated. However over recent years gay adoption has allowed for most gay couples who want to adopt young children and give them a good quality of life, which they would have if they lived with their biological parents or a heterosexual couple, to do so. One positive view of gay adoption is that it gives the gay couple the chance to start their own family and give a child in care a new start to life in a lovingRead MoreShould Same Sex Couples Be Allowed to Adopt?954 Words   |  4 Pages2/8/13 Should Same-Sex Couples Be Allowed To Adopt? As time progresses societies view on certain subjects has become more lenient. 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Opponents of the LGBT community contend that same sex parenting contradicts the natural order of the world, subjects children to unnecessary societal stigma, and that the state has a right to favor heterosexualRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography Essay1443 Words   |  6 PagesAnnotated Bibliography Stone, A.. Both sides on gay adoption cite concern for children. Usa today. Gannett Co. Inc., 2006. Web. 18 Apr 2012 The article is about a couple who is gay having to move in order for both gay parents to get custody of the adopted child. It talks about the statistics of foster care and the number of kids being adopted right now. The numbers are very low and even for gays, its extremely low. It also states that gays are some good candidates for adoption but not beingRead MoreEssay on Gay Adoption 1060 Words   |  5 Pagesmany of those children could be adopted if more lesbian and gay couples were able to adopt. According to lifelong adoption agencies more and more gay and lesbian couples are becoming parents through artificial insemination, a surrogate, or LGBT adoption. It’s hard for same sex couples to adopt because adoption agencies that have religious beliefs against same sex couples reject them, or a state law prohibits same sex parents. Same sex couples face much opposition from a large number of people even thoughRead MoreThe Rights Of The Gay Rights890 Words   |  4 Pagessubsta ntial battle waged by this generation is the one for LGBT rights. Great strides have been made for the gay community over the past several years, culminating with the Supreme Court ruling to recognize gay marriages as legal in all fifty states. However, the fight for homosexual equality is far from over. Despite having gained the right to marry-which was seen by many as the main focus of the gay rights movement- many people are still discriminated against in a variety of arenas every day because ofRead MoreBenefits Of Same Sex Marriage1687 Words   |  7 PagesBenefit of homosexual Marriage in the U.S.A How do we look at the gay marriage? Did they have freedom in the U.S? What are their rights? In 1958, the supreme court of the United States said they can’t support gay marriage. Through this journey from that time until now, American change a lot of rules for the gay marriage as a legal protection against discrimination, they can marry in at least seventeen states and adopt children (Walter Frank 1).In additional they can get married at most in 36 states(StewartRead MoreSame Sex Parenting is Just as Effective as Straight Parenting997 Words   |  4 Pagesadoption. Then there is a same sex couple wishing to be able to adopt a child so their family can be complete, but sadly the same sex couple can’t adopt the child because of anti-gay groups that frown upon it. Think about it this way, would you rather have a sad and lonely child stuck in an adoption center, or a happy child with loving same sex parents that love him and keep him safe? Gay parents are no less of a goo d parent because of their sexuality. Gay parents are just like any other parentRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal892 Words   |  4 Pagesbe finally laid to rest. The first state to legalize same-sex marriage was Massachusetts in 2004. There was not a last state to legalize gay marriage. The supreme court realized how many states were now legalizing it, so they just had all of the states left legalize it as well. supplies information that â€Å"Twenty-six states were forced to legalize gay marriage because it was the court s decision, eight by state legislators, three by popular vote, twelve by state law, and one by constitutional

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